Jen and Aletheia launched HH Teams, formerly HenryHiggins Consulting, in 2014. The firm has provided thousands of hours of strategy consulting, offsite design, and coaching for teams at Airbnb, Apple, Google, Planned Parenthood, the PTA, and others.
Jen is focused on how leaders, teams, and communities grow and change to get things done. She leads strategy sessions, designs learning solutions and documentation, and encourages general mischief.
She learned facilitation early in her career through researching anti-LGBT bias and working in a collective that taught computer refurbishment. She was the Director of Community Engagement at Airbnb and a Training Director for the 2012 Obama Campaign. As a consultant she has spent the bulk of her time leading strategic planning, organizational design, change management, and onboarding or offsite projects.
Aletheia has built her reputation through building diverse teams that win. She has coached teams and leaders locally and abroad for a number of private and progressive clients. Her work focuses on developing strategy, organizational structure and culture, impact measures, and training programs.
She was the founding Director of Education at the Obama Foundation, National Director of Campaigns for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the Pennsylvania General Election Director for Obama 2012, and a community organizer in and out of the field from 2008-2011. Aletheia ensures that the way we win reflects the values we are fighting for.
She is an Ohio native and a serious Buckeye fan.